You and your partner are able to spend a lot of time in the evenings or on weekends playing with Caiden Apollo.
Everyone seems to be having a lot of fun!

1. You and your partner have discussed your views on break-ups of a long-term partnership or marriage, and

You and your partner generally want to work hard to avoid separation and divorce, but if the love and commitment are no longer there, you are both willing to consider it. You would both work hard to minimize the impact on the child.
  • The life of a man and woman as parents is a very difficult task, nay, responsibility to handle and needs proper love and attention towards each other to accomplish proper parenting. corruptions in marriage and affection for each other might lead to the thought of divorce and may damage or delay the child’s ability to develop mentally, behaviorally and socially. Giving each other up will give the child no benefit. we should work harder and we should make the child as an inspiration and a reminder of our love and commitment in times those two factors starts to fade. 

Caiden is able to focus his eyes on you. He spends a lot of time studying your face and the faces of anyone who comes close to him. 

2. You want Caiden to establish a regular bed-time and sleep through the night. You think he's almost there.

You make sure he doesn’t take too long of a nap in the late afternoon. You try to time it so he'll get sleepy around 8pm.
  • Since it's hard to get the baby to sleep when he's wide aawake, I will make sure he gets the correct amount of time to nap in the afternoon so he’ll be sleepy again, as expected, in the night and he needs to have a full night's rest.

You try the object permanence test. Caiden Apollo is able to find a hidden object, as long as you don't wait too long or distract him in the middle of the search.
Caiden Apollo really likes this hiding game and shows by his interest that he wants it repeated. However, if you hide the object in the same place repeatedly, and then change the hiding place, Caiden Apollo has a strong tendency to look in the old hiding place, and then get confused about where the object is, or forget about it. This curious error was first discovered by Piaget, but researchers have some new explanations for the error.

3. Caiden Apollo is showing signs of independence, wanting to be put down so he can crawl, and wanting to explore new places or things for longer periods of time. Your typical reaction is to:

Check the area or toy out for safety, and then let him play freely, keeping an eye on him from a moderate distance.
  • Although he wants to be alone by himself, Apollo is still a fragile child. He might fall down or hit his head on doors or basically anything. Letting him  crawl in places to explore is a good thing. I would let him do such, but with great caution. 

Caiden Apollo is sometimes a little reluctant to part from you at daycare and starts crying.
He usually gets over it quickly after you leave.

4.  Caiden Apollo is taking a two hour nap every day, and sleeping six or more hours at a time at night. In other words, you have a new attachment to your pillow! Occasionally Caiden Apollo is fully awake in the middle of the night and wants to hang out and play with you.

You decide to go with the flow, but try to calm Caiden down and focus him on one quiet activity for as long as possible at night.
  • I want the bond between my child and I to be very close as possible. When Caiden wakes up in the middle of the night, I will tire him with peaceful activities and I will give him the attention he needs until he gets sleepy and will decide to go to sleep.

5. Recently Caiden Apollo has been in pretty good health, except for occasional bouts of indigestion and diarrhea. After these brief bouts are over, Caiden Apollo is usually interested in trying new foods.

You want to be cautious, so you introduce new baby food veggies and meats one at a time and for several days in a row to see if Caiden likes it, and digests it well.
  • I don’t want to rush Caiden's intake of new foods since I'm not sure if it’s a go for him, otherwise, he’ll be sick. I would let him eat cerelac for good baby digestion because I know it works every time.

6. You notice that Caiden Apollo seems to have little goals that involve two steps of planning ahead, so you encourage these cognitive advances by:

Engaging in normal social interaction, where these issues are bound to come up, frequently, given the propensity of children to exercise new abilities.
  • I will listen to and try to understand what his goals are and I will support him by molding him to be a better person someday. I will teach him to control his social interactiveness. I will let him play with other children so that he'll discover his capabilities and limits.

7. Frequently Caiden Apollo becomes quite upset and clings to you while sobbing. This usually occurs henever he is in a new situation, or meeting new people. You typically:

Hold Caiden Apollo and allow him to warm-up slowly to new situations and people, but don’t  force anything on him.

  • I don’t want my child to be scared of everything when he grows up and i need him to know that im always here whenever he needs me. Through this, He will come to me when he needs simultaneous support.
8. Sometimes Caiden Apollo is fussy or irritable for no apparent reason. When this happens, you:

Sometimes make an effort to make physical contact, but other times you are too busy, so you let Caiden Apollo keep fussing to help develop this independence.
  • Being there always for my child is a good thing but as he grows up he needs to be more independent because he has to. I don’t want to spoil him on me because time will come that I will be too busy to hang out with him.
8. It has become clear that Caiden Apollo shows a preference for you over others (especially when distressed), with your partner a close second. How will your partner become a stronger attachment figure for Caiden Apollo?

Your partner will spend more time changing diapers, feeding and playing with Caiden Apollo.
  • It is good. Parenting is always better when done by two, it is not a solo act. We will try to divide our tasks on Apollo to show him were one when it comes to him.

As Caiden Apollo turns 9 months, the pediatrician has the following to say after a routine physical exam, a few items administered from the Bayley Scales of Infant Intelligence, and some observations of Caiden Apollo in the playroom: 
Based on your report, Caiden Apollo is physically healthy. The doctor recommends a greater variety of baby food and ground up fruits and vegetables.
Caiden Apollo is cautious and shy in most new situations or with new people. With you present, he will eventually explore, but rarely warms up completely to the strange situation or person.
Caiden Apollo has typical emotional reactions for his age, such as fear of total strangers, separation anxiety and a quick, loud cry when upset or in pain.
Caiden Apollo's motor skills are typical for age: crawling, sitting up, and standing up, but not walking yet.

Mary Laurenz J. Barbaton, Ryan Cordova, Edel Rose Rivera


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