Caiden Apollo is hanging out at school and after school with a different group, and you are not sure why. These kids seem to be less academically engaged, and it is having an impact on Caiden Apollo's attitudes toward schoolwork. ngRepeat: answer in moment.content.answer ngIf: admin This is frustrating because you can't do much to change Caiden Apollo's friends. All you can do is emphasize the value of schoolwork and provide alternative activities to keep Caiden Apollo busy after school, but this is difficult because Caiden Apollo isn't interested in some of the activities you suggest and just shrugs when you ask what HE would like to try. You hope this phase passes soon!
1. Caiden Apollo is starting to notice girls more, but has not said anything openly about it. He wants to get a popular video game that has some racy shots of women and in which the male character mistreat women.
You figure he is going to be exposed to the game anyway with his friends, but you want to communicate your values. So you make him pay for the video game with his own money. You point out that you do not approve of the way it portrays women, and insist that he play it only in his own room so his sister will not be exposed to it.
- As parents we will not allow our child to be exposed or addicted to this kind of video games, if we allow him there will be limitations and after those video games we will tell him the negative effects and negative side of that video games. There should be a parental guidance, and we will discipline him even more.
You and your partner decided to terminate the relationship three months ago. There were a lot of arguments toward the end, but the termination went fairly smoothly and joint custody was agreed upon. You both live in the same city, and the children spend five weekdays with you in the home you purchased, and most weekends with your ex-partner in a new apartment. You are working full-time to pay the bills. You speak to your ex-partner fairly often about the kids, and most decisions you make have been discussed and agreed upon with your ex-partner. You generally try to get along pleasantly because of the kids, but you still have some arguments. Caiden Apollo seems to blame himself for the way things ended, and you bring him along a few times to the therapy sessions you are attending so that he can get some help in dealing with increased anxieties and fears. He also has had a few problems with friends at school, but remains a dutiful and cooperative student.
2. You notice Caiden Apollo is more interested in current events lately.
You subscribe to online news magazines and papers and occasionally print out an article you think Caiden Apollo might be interested in reading and you talk together about it.
- It is good to know as parents that our son is interested to current events, with that as parents, we will also have to subscribe to online news so that we can interact with each other and if he ask some questions about it, we can answer it and can relate to it.
Caiden Apollo played in the after-school instrument program for a couple of years, but practiced less and less as time went by. The little orchestra made painfully slow progress. There were a few stand-out performers in the group, who were probably taking private lessons or were very musically inclined. You didn't feel that Caiden Apollo would really make good use of private lessons so you didn't pursue that. Now the poor instrument has joined the rest of the unused stuff in your garage.
3. Caiden Apollo sometimes dawdles at chores, or gets distracted and leaves the chores unfinished.
You think that you may have assigned too many chores. You reduce the chores to simply washing the dishes and keeping the bedroom tidy but you monitor these to make sure Caiden Apollo is consistent.
- With this age, it Caiden is already a little busy at school, so we will reduce the chores and just give him the simple chores like washing the dishes, fix his room and to sweep the floor so that he will not get tired easily.
Caiden Apollo's oral reading, decoding and spelling skills are above grade level, and his reading comprehension is about at grade level. He is a pretty good speller, but isn't much of an inspired writer at this point. Caiden Apollo can type now, thanks to a 6th grade keyboarding class, so you help with writing assignments at home. You also look for an area of interest to him and suggest that Caiden Apollo subscribe to a magazine or check out books on the subject.
4. Caiden Apollo has one or two friends that share his interests, but doesn't show much interest in social events like school dances.
You think that Caiden Apollo needs to be more sociable. You strongly encourage him to go to school dances, and join a school club or intramural team.
- The social development of Caiden it a little low with this age and as parents, we’re trying to increase this we encourage him to socialize especially in school events like group dances, musicals and other organization so that he will be comfortable with other people.
5. Caiden Apollo talks quite often about what is "fair" and "not fair", and you realize he is developing some moral principles. His concerns are focused on very specific things people he knows say and do, rather than incidents in the news or aspects of society.
You talk to Caiden Apollo about specific events in his life, asking questions about his point of view and other people's points of view. You try to help Caiden Apollo see the consequences of various courses of action.
- As parents we are encouraging him to give his own opinions or insights in such events and help him understand the events in social life.
6. You notice that Caiden Apollo's sense of humor has become more subtle lately. He has been pointing out inconsistencies between things you have said and your behavior, especially toward him.
You laugh at the jokes but don't want Caiden Apollo to get disrespectful, so you clarify your views and make sure that Caiden Apollo still understands that your rules remain consistent.
- We’ll also go with the flow with him and support him but would tell him that jokes could also hurt someone. We will warn him to be careful with his jokes and do not use any insulting words.
7. Caiden Apollo has only a couple of good friends at school and in his after school activities, and seems at this point to be more comfortable with adults than other kids. He tends to keep his feelings to himself and doesn't seem to confide to anyone.
You spend as much time as you can with Caiden Apollo and his sister, and sometimes alone with Caiden Apollo, because you figure he will be more likely to discuss personal problems with you if the need arises.
- As parents, we will spend more of our time with him and tell him that he can tell us his problems because as a parent, it is our responsibility to be there with our children. Also, we would let him spend time with his sister so that they would be close to each other.
8. Caiden Apollo has been putting comments on an internet application where other students can respond with their own comments but not reveal their identities. He got very upset recently when someone made some negative comments about his clothing and began sulking.
You understand that peer approval is important at this age, so you state that the person who made the comment must be mean-spirited and probably has no friends.
- We understand the peer approval at this age so well, so we’re trying to comfort Caiden to just forget about those inappropriate behavior and those are just negative things around him. We will tell him to just focus to what is good and to his friends.
9. Lately Caiden Apollo has his ups and downs, sometimes coming home from school cheerful and friendly, and sometimes sullen and cranky. When he is sullen and cranky, he either plays video games or shuts himself up in his room.
You don't see a consistent trend up or down in moods so you gave Caiden Apollo his "space", interacting with him when he is in a positive mood, and sticking to only the most essential communication when he is in a negative mood.
- I want Caiden to know that doing his best is enough for me, that his health is more importa It is an emotional stage and as parents, we will give him space and let him relax and talk to him when he is already relaxed and in positive mood. It could help him to adjust and forget about those little problems.
10. Caiden Apollo is doing OK in English, social studies, math and science but is not outstanding in any one area this year. He acts bored or angry when you try to talk about it or help him with homework assignments.
You arrange for after-school tutoring to boost his scores in school and to provide assistance with homework, and at the same time you encourage Caiden Apollo to develop his other interests and talents.
- We will get a tutor for him so that he would have a good remarks and encourage him to develop more on his interests.
11. Caiden Apollo is growing fast and consuming a lot of food, much of it junk food that he gets at school or after-school.
You refuse to buy any junk food at home, and you give him a lecture about healthy eating habits.
- We will provide a healthy life style for him and we will forbid the junk foods inside the house and have a little background about healthy eating habits. As parents the health of our children’s very important to us so we will do such thing to provide a healthy ways for him.
Caiden Apollo seems to get bored easily over the summer, and doesn't seem to like any of your suggestions about what to do. You begin to look forward to the school year beginning so he will be more occupied. You have a little lighter work schedule over the summer, and are able to take Caiden Apollo and his sister out to the movies or for dessert on some weeknights. You also plan some interesting outings and a couple of 3-day weekends, as well as a short family vacation relaxing at the beach.
After the 7th grade school year ended, Caiden Apollo had big plans to hang out with his best friend and play a lot of video games. But this grew boring after a couple of weeks.
Caiden Apollo spends a lot of time during the summer hanging out at the mall or the movies with some friends. He needs money for these outings, so in addition to regular chores, you have him do some much-needed things around your place for extra money.
Caiden Apollo was really anxious for summer to begin, and is having fun, but as soon as the school supplies are in the store, he wants to get his 8th grade notebook, etc. You realize the choice of notebook and the decoration of it with photos and sayings is part of his identity.
You got Caiden Apollo's 7th grade report card early in the summer. Some highlights of the report card:
- Caiden Apollo consistently contributes to cooperative group activities and respects the rights and possessions of others, and shows age-appropriate social interaction with peers.
- His word reading, spelling and writing skills are strong.
- He got B's in 7th grade English, Social Studies and Spanish. The teacher thought he could do better with more studying.
- He got a B in both 7th grade Math and 7th grade Science.
- He listens attentively, follows directions, and follows school rules.
- He is quite effective at time management, and highly consistent in working independently in the classroom and on homework. He has almost no problems completing assignments and turning them in on time.
Mary Laurenz J. Barbaton, Ryan Cordova, Edel Rose Rivera
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