Caiden Apollo's first official day of school was exciting and a bit stressful. When you arrived at the playground bustling with children, Caiden Apollo shrunk back into your body. As Caiden Apollo's new teacher came up, Caiden Apollo smiled shyly but didn't speak. Thankfully the teacher took his hand and led him slowly out into the playground. ngRepeat: answer in moment.content.answer ngIf: admin When you picked Caiden Apollo up, he had that somewhat pleasant smell of sweat, dirt and crayons you associate with school. Caiden Apollo had a lot of restless energy, despite being tired, and wanted to ride his tricycle around outside. All afternoon and evening he didn't say much in answer to your questions about how the day went. One thing that slightly concerned you was Caiden Apollo's comment that "some of the kids are mean." The best thing you heard all day came at bedtime, as Caiden Apollo murmured, "My teacher's nice.”
1. When you help out in Caiden Apollo's kindergarten classroom you notice many aspects of math and science the teachers work on (beyond just adding and subtracting), such as interpreting graphs and classifying objects, as well as doing practical math in a classroom general store. Caiden Apollo seems about as engaged as the average kid by these activities.
You realize you can’t engage Caiden Apollo the way the teachers do, so you think of ways to encourage an interest in science and math in everyday activities, such as exploring nature, and playing games involving numbers.
- Yes because I believe that these activities are in Caidens zone of easy learnings so it should be not that hard for him to understand and absorb the knowledge he gets in school. But still, I will train him more and let him do extra activities on house to make sure he doesn’t delay himself in the process.
2. Caiden Apollo is steadily learning the letters and their sounds as the kindergarten class moves along, and he is interested in listening to books read aloud. He is starting to name a few simple words in familiar books, and on signs, and to ask about where certain words are in his favorite stories.
You recognize there are so many other things children are learning at this age (such as self-control and social and emotional skills), that is not wise to over-emphasize something like reading. So you try a few activities and wait for Caiden Apollo’s interest to increase.
- Yes, I will more likely expose him to a variety of things because I believe that he has a lot more to learn and I also have faith in him that he can do all that, as what as I have said, it should be easy for him. These activities will also help him develop his spatial and intellectual skills rapidly.
3. Caiden Apollo can be somewhat emotional and rebellious at times, but has made some friends at school. The teacher says that Caiden Apollo needs to work more on following school rules and routines, and developing more self-control and self-reliance.
You realize that self-control and self-reliance are the most important issues for Caiden Apollo, so you try to emulate some of the kindergarten routines at home (e.g., picking up after one activity before starting another and sticking with tasks to completion).
- Yes, because if I let him do any other things beside this, it might pressure him and give him more stress. So I will just let him do what he want to do but I will make sure that I will watch every move he makes because that is my main responsibility and obligation as a good parent for him.
It is summer. Caiden Apollo will turn 6 in a month and is looking forward to starting first grade in the fall. You shop for a few school supplies.
You all have a good time at Caiden Apollo's birthday party with other soon-to-be first graders. The kids enjoy traditional birthday games, such as pin the tail on the donkey, a scavenger hunt, and a treasure hunt with a map that you made up, and clue notes in various places around the house.
Mary Laurenz J. Barbaton, Ryan Cordova, Edel Rose Rivera
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